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MRO Europe 2023
Conference: October 17-18, 2023
Exhibition: October 18-19, 2023
RAI • Amsterdam

Workforce Part 1: Innovation and new technology responses

  • Wednesday, October 18, 2023:10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


Who has managed to build efficiencies across their business to improve processes and procedures? How can innovation be further developed to attract talent and what are we seeing in terms of new technology and MRO automation to help technicians be more productive and respond to the labor shortage challenge? Do we need new sources of motivation to attract new talent?

    Bilal Karaman
    SVP, Aircraft Maintenance
    Turkish Technic
    Jonas Murby
    AeroDynamic Advisory
    Matus Petrek
    Chief Operating Officer & Technical Director
    Austrian Technik Bratislava
    Sean Broderick
    Senior Air Transport and Safety Editor
    Aviation Week Network
    Valentin Ivanov
    VP Technical Operations
    Heston Airlines
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