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MRO Europe 2022
Conference: October 18-20, 2022
Exhibition: October 19-20, 2022
ExCeL London • London, UK

Contact This Exhibitor

  • Tel Aviv, 
  • Israel

Company Description

EL AL Tech, EL AL Israel Airlines Maintenance & Engineering Organization is performing full maintenance to its 45 aircraft (787-8/9,777,747-400,767-200/300,757-200/300,737NG) in addition to providing maintenance support to customers aircraft. EL AL Tech performs a full range of maintenance services for its customers, such as C/D checks, logistics support, engineering support, modifications, A/C weighing, components repair and overhaul, line maintenance and additional maintenance related services. To support the hanger activities, EL AL Tech has its shops, such as Engine shop, Avionics shop, Landing Gear & Hydraulic shop, Machine shop etc. which are capable to repair/overhaul many components.

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