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MRO Europe 2021
RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conference: October 19-21, 2021
Exhibition: October 20-21, 2021

Contact This Exhibitor

  • Guidel, 
  • France

Company Description

Orolia, through its Kannad ELTs brand, offers a comprehensive range of next-generation Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs), which are compliant with the latest ELT standards including : - Ultima-DT (fixed ELT): compliant with the GADSS requirements for autonomous tracking of aircraft in distress applicable to all new aircraft delivered from January 2021 and special conditions impacting non-rechargeable lithium batteries - Ultima-S (cabin & raft ELT): compliant with special conditions impacting non-rechargeable lithium batteries Major OEMs and hundreds of airlines worldwide already trust Orolia for its ability to design and supply state of the art ELTs while following the highest quality standards.

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